Keywords: reporting, information, methodology, accounting, management


This article delves deeply into the methodological aspects of management reporting within the context of contemporary challenges, with a particular focus on the unique circumstances presented by wartime conditions. The ongoing economic instability, widespread infrastructure damage, and a range of other significant challenges have created an urgent need for timely and accurate management information. Such information is essential for informed and effective decision-making, which is more critical than ever in such volatile environments. The automation of accounting processes, facilitated by the adoption of advanced digital technologies, presents an opportunity to significantly reduce the time required for report preparation. However, this transition is not without its challenges, as it demands substantial financial investments, as well as the availability of highly skilled personnel capable of managing and maintaining these complex systems. It is important to integrate new methods with existing standards and requirements of regulatory authorities, which complicates the work of accounting departments. The author identifies several approaches to management reporting: informational, functional, process, system, and strategic. As a result, it has been established that the application of an integrative approach allows for a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the enterprise. Based on this approach, the study formulates the author’s own vision of the essence of management reporting. The traditional components of the reporting methodology are considered, as well as modern challenges and the need to adapt to rapid changes. The author defines the objectives of management reporting in modern conditions as a component of the relevant methodology. The list of components of integrated management reporting, which can become a sufficient information basis for business management in conditions of uncertainty, is defined and substantiated. The article also describes the prospects of using the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence, cloud technologies, the Internet of Things, and blockchain, to improve the accuracy, security, and efficiency of management processes. The conclusions emphasize the importance of analytical tools and the need to increase attention to cybersecurity in the context of business digitalization.


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How to Cite
Zavoritnii, M. (2024). METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT REPORTING IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 283-289.