Keywords: national stability, institutional stability, economic security, steel development, Fragile States Index


The institutional stability of the state was assessed according to the Fragile States Index, and the main ways to strengthen it for sustainable development and economic security of the country were determined. The analysis of the components of the Index of Fragile States showed that Ukraine received the maximum score (10 points) among all 179 countries for three indicators, which indicates a high level of instability of the country according to these indicators. A rapid increase in the fragility of Ukraine has been established against the background of the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine. The main factors leading to the strengthening of Ukraine's fragility and the corresponding decrease in the institutional stability of our state are those that directly threaten the security of the state, in particular, external interference and military aggression of the Russian Federation. In addition, the huge flow of Ukrainian refugees, which was observed especially at the beginning of the war and the internal displacement of the population, whose housing is either destroyed, or is located in the zone of active hostilities, or in the temporarily occupied territory, became one of the factors that worsened the level of stability of Ukraine. Such a negative trend will only deepen given the conditions of a full-scale war in which Ukraine is. The threats that arise during the war cover all areas of the country's socio-economic development and negatively affect its level of institutional stability and economic security. That is why the analysis of Ukraine's international rating positions should be aimed at identifying negative factors in order to develop appropriate programs and measures to minimize their impact and strengthen the institutional stability and level of economic security of the state. In order to solve the problems that lead to a decrease in the institutional stability of the state to the influence of both external and internal challenges and threats, it is necessary to improve the institutional environment, conduct monitoring of economic stability based on defined indicators of the state of economic security.


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