• Mykyta Yurganov Odesa National Maritime University
  • Viktoria Smrkovska Odesa National Maritime University
Keywords: human resources, flexible management, Agile, methods, resource management, potential, project-oriented, organization


The article is devoted to the definition of the basics in the theory of flexible management of human resources of project-oriented organizations. The work states that under the conditions of constant and changing influence of external and internal factors on the functioning of any enterprise, in order to ensure competitiveness in the market of services or goods, it must also quickly respond and adapt to such changes, especially in the event of a crisis. This is due to the introduction of flexible methods of management of both human resources and the company as a whole. The choice of management method depends on the completion time of the project, the size of the absorbed budget and the quality of the service and the efficiency of the use of resources. The analysis of the researched sources proves that organizations that use a project-oriented approach in management have advantages over traditional ones, when management focuses on the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization as a whole, and not on each project separately. The basis of the project-oriented approach to managing the organization is the creation of motivated project teams that are responsible for the obtained result needed by the customer at the given time. As we can see, this approach involves focusing on the result of the entire project, and not on the result of the performance of individual functions within the framework of the company's activities. Also, the work examines the relationship between flexible human resources management and the innovativeness of the firm through innovative work, which primarily depends on the "quality" of the work team, that is, on the experience, skills and abilities, emotional and mental state of everyone, and secondly - on the methods management, and in the third - from the material potential of the company. A qualitatively selected project team allows each of its participants to realize their potential and form innovative ideas. The system of motives and incentives allows to implement one of the principles of flexible methodology, such as "satisfied employee - satisfied consumer". As a result of the directed behavior of employees, as well as the coordination of their personal and organizational goals, the customer receives the expected result, and the company gets competitive advantages.


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How to Cite
Yurganov, M., & Smrkovska, V. (2024). CONCEPTUAL BASIS OF FLEXIBLE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT-ORIENTED ORGANIZATIONS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 249-255.