Keywords: personnel shortage, human resource management, material and non-material motivation, personal potential, psychological support


War creates unprecedented challenges for companies, demanding flexibility from managers, effective utilization of human potential, and the adaptation of human resource management strategies to these challenges, which necessitates the use of adaptive and innovative approaches. The aim of the article is to explore approaches to personnel management during wartime, aimed at increasing employee motivation, maintaining productivity, and maximizing the utilization of personal potential. The challenges in the field of human resource management faced by companies during wartime and the ways to overcome them are examined. It is found that the impact of war on the development of employees' personal potential can be both negative (psychological stress and anxiety, loss of motivation, limited opportunities for development, disruption of work-life balance) and positive (development of adaptive skills, increased resilience, strengthened team spirit, mobilization of internal reserves). The components of material and non-material motivation are discussed. It is emphasized that material support enables employees to meet their basic needs, reducing stress and anxiety. At the same time, it is highlighted that non-material motivation, particularly safety, stability, and guarantees of continued employment in the company, is crucial during wartime. Psychological support, remote or hybrid work formats, the provision of medical insurance by the company, and free training are also identified as important incentives for employees. It is substantiated that for the effective utilization of employees' personal potential, companies should adopt an individualized approach to personnel management, which involves considering the psychological, emotional, and professional characteristics of each employee to ensure effective work, maintain motivation, and preserve well-being. Motivational strategies should also be adapted to the individual needs of employees. The prospects for further research in this direction lie in the study and comparison of approaches to human resource management during wartime in different countries that have faced similar challenges.


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How to Cite
Kotkovskyi, V., Samorodov, B., & Chkheailo, A. (2024). HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN WARTIME: MOTIVATION, WAYS, AND METHODS OF EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF PERSONAL POTENTIAL. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 228-235.