Keywords: management, business projects, innovative projects, customs brokerage companies, sustainable development


The article is devoted to the study of business project management in customs brokerage companies in conditions of sustainable development, which is becoming an important factor in successful activity on the global market. It analyzes the influence of the principles of sustainable development on customs brokerage activities and their integration into key business processes, such as planning, organization, control and monitoring of project implementation. The main challenges faced by customs brokerage companies in the conditions of constant changes in international trade, globalization and environmental requirements are considered. The article outlines strategies that help companies adapt to new realities through the implementation of environmentally responsible solutions, minimizing the impact on the environment and reducing CO2 emissions during logistics operations. An important part of management is also the distribution of responsibilities between project participants, taking into account environmental standards and the requirements of sustainable development. The role of automation of customs processes is considered separately, which allows to significantly reduce the amount of paper documentation, increase the speed of information processing and minimize the human factor, which has a positive effect on environmental efficiency. Innovative technologies also make it possible to create transparent and energy-efficient supply chains, helping to reduce the environmental impact during the transportation of goods. Key attention is paid to risk management in the context of sustainable development. In particular, this concerns risks associated with changes in legislation, customs regulations and sanction restrictions that have a direct impact on the activities of customs brokerage companies. The article emphasizes the need for constant monitoring and adaptation to such changes in order to minimize financial losses and avoid fines. In this context, approaches are proposed for building a risk management strategy that takes into account the requirements of sustainable development. A separate part of the article is devoted to the importance of effective communication with all participants in the process - clients, customs authorities, partners. This makes it possible to provide timely information and response to possible problems that may arise in the process of customs clearance of goods. Transparency in interaction with all interested parties also contributes to better compliance with environmental requirements and increased trust in the company.


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How to Cite
Pashko, P., Shtyk, Y., & Myroshnychenko, G. (2024). BUSINESS PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF CUSTOMS BROKERAGE COMPANIES IN CONDITIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 223-227.