Keywords: strategic marketing, marketing strategy, strategic marketing process, principles of strategic marketing, marketing research


The article is devoted to the study of the application of strategic marketing in the activities of domestic enterprises in war and post-war conditions. The article examines the definitions of the concepts of "strategic marketing" and "marketing strategy" existing in the scientific literature, on the basis of which the key aspects of strategic marketing were formed. The definition of strategic marketing was formed as a process of creating competitive advantages and increasing competitiveness in the long term, aimed at improving product quality, production efficiency, resource conservation, which includes analysis, forecasting, monitoring, development of measures for the organization of management activities and business activity on the market, which contributes the achievement of the company's goals and the growth of its profits. The fundamental role of strategic marketing in war and post-war conditions is determined, which, in particular, is manifested in the need to find ways of effective post-war recovery of the economy, strengthening the influence of scientific and technical progress, changing consumer behavior, etc. It is noted that strategic marketing at the enterprise should be implemented in accordance with the principles of product policy concentration on competitors' weaknesses, simplicity, implementation of innovative activities on the basis of marketing, compliance with the needs of time, risk compensation, creation of a targeted managed marketing-oriented organization, use of favorable chances of the market environment enterprises. Summarizing the conducted study of existing approaches to the components of the strategic marketing process, such as defining the mission, strategic goals and tasks of the enterprise, conducting a marketing strategic analysis, forming marketing goals, forming marketing strategies, developing a marketing budget, forming a marketing program, organizing and implementing a program were highlighted of marketing, control of the effectiveness of the implementation of the marketing program, development of measures to increase the effectiveness of marketing.


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How to Cite
Stepanova, K., & Murashko, I. (2024). STRATEGIC MARKETING IN THE ACTIVITIES OF DOMESTIC ENTERPRISES IN WAR AND POST-WAR CONDITIONS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 211-216.