The article is dedicated to analyzing the development trends of environmental certification and labeling in European Union countries, which are important tools for increasing business transparency, ensuring compliance with environmental standards, and strengthening consumer trust. The article examines the current state of the market for environmentally friendly products in European countries, where the demand for products with eco-labels is growing, particularly among young consumers. Examples of the most common eco-labels in European countries and their impact on consumer preferences and business competitiveness are considered. An analysis of the EU Ecolabel system, which covers a wide range of product categories from cosmetics to household appliances, as well as tourist accommodation services, is conducted. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of issued environmental certificates in the EU, indicating significant interest from businesses and consumers in environmentally friendly products. Particular attention is paid to the legislative framework of the European Union, which regulates and improves the process of environmental certification and labeling, including recent initiatives aimed at combating greenwashing. The main obstacles encountered in the process of implementing environmental certification are identified these include the lack of unified standards, the complexity of the certification process, insufficient government support, issues with verifying the authenticity of environmental claims, and the presence of a large number of eco-labels, which complicates consumer choice. The article emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues for the effective development of environmental certification within the framework of the European Green Deal. The process of strengthening the impact of environmental certification in the EU is continuously evolving, and it requires a comprehensive approach that includes public policy, industry practices, and consumer awareness. The main directions for raising consumer environmental awareness are the implementation of information campaigns, educational programs, and the use of various digital tools. The article also highlights the opportunities for using the EU's experience to improve the environmental labeling system in Ukraine in the context of European integration and enhancing the competitiveness of Ukrainian products in the international market.
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