Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable economic development, rural areas, European experience, social inclusion


The article examines in detail the European experience of ensuring sustainable economic development of rural areas and its potential implementation in Ukraine. The topicality of the topic is due to the need to adapt proven European practices to the specific conditions of Ukraine, especially in the conditions of reconstruction after the war. The focus is on key aspects of European models, including institutional support, environmental sustainability and social inclusion, which are critical for the sustainable development of rural areas. Various European approaches, including financial support mechanisms such as development funds, grants and subsidies, as well as project management tools, have been analyzed that have helped EU countries achieve success in rural development. Examples from Germany, France, Italy, Sweden and Poland are considered, illustrating the effectiveness of approaches to environmental sustainability, including the implementation of renewable energy sources, sustainable agriculture technologies and preservation of the natural environment. The main components that contributed to the successful implementation of European models were identified, such as the active participation of local communities, the integration of social and environmental aspects into the processes of project planning and implementation, as well as the creation of partnerships between the public, private and public sectors. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing these practices in Ukraine are substantiated, considering the existing economic, social and institutional barriers. The article also analyzes the potential challenges that Ukraine may face in the integration of European practices, in particular, the insufficiency of the appropriate institutional infrastructure, problems with financing, and the uneven level of development of different regions. Strategies for adapting European experience to the conditions of Ukraine are proposed, which include improvement of the legal framework, development of financing mechanisms, raising awareness and participation of local communities, as well as the integration of innovative technologies into the processes of sustainable development. The implementation of these recommendations will contribute to the effective restoration of rural areas and ensure sustainable economic development in the face of modern challenges.


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How to Cite
Skoryk, M. (2024). EUROPEAN EVIDENCE FOR ENSURING SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 195-202.