Keywords: digital assets, cryptocurrency, blockchain, consulting, AMLA, Bitcoin, Ethereum


The purpose of the article is to analyze the legal aspects of the regulation of cryptocurrencies in the leading countries of the world (the USA and the EU), to study the possibilities and advantages of integrating cryptocurrencies and blockchain into the banking system, as well as to identify potential risks and challenges associated with this process. The technical and legal aspects (on the example of the USA and the EU) of the integration of cryptocurrencies and blockchain into the banking system are considered. Particular attention is paid to Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) as the most common cryptocurrencies. Analysis of technical aspects showed that these cryptocurrencies operate on the basis of decentralized blockchain technology, which ensures security, transparency and immutability of transactions. We will analyze the regulation of the cryptocurrency market in the EU. We will conduct market capitalization research of the world's most important/powerful cryptocurrencies. The advantages of using digital assets in banking operations are highlighted, such as the speed and efficiency of transactions, reduced transaction costs and increased protection against fraud. The potential risks and challenges associated with the integration of digital assets are analyzed, such as the high volatility of cryptocurrencies, problems with the legalization and regulation of digital assets. Among the problems of cryptocurrency regulation, the lack of rules for spot markets and the risks of regulatory arbitrage should be highlighted. It has been proven that the integration of cryptocurrency and blockchain into the banking system can be beneficial for banks and their customers, but it still requires careful study of technological and legal aspects to prevent potential abuse and criminal activity in the first place and consultancy service for this issue is actual noedays. Analysis of the experience of countries that have successfully implemented cryptocurrency operations in the banking system demonstrates the potential of integrating digital assets into the financial sector. The risks associated with the integration of cryptocurrencies and blockchain into the banking system have been analyzed. Cyber attacks, criminal activity and insufficient regulatory framework are considered potential threats. However, there are ways to reduce these risks, such as strengthening controls and enforcing AML standards.


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How to Cite
Chub, P., Prymostka, O., & Pashchenko, A. (2024). INTEGRATION PROSPECTS OF THE CRYPTOCURRENCY MARKET INTO THE BANKING SYSTEM: CONCULTING ASPECT. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 180-186.