The article states that the reform of territorial communities in Ukraine has become an important step in the process of decentralization of power aimed at strengthening local self-government and increasing the effectiveness of local management. The implemented reform provided for the unification of territorial communities with the aim of creating capable administrative-territorial units capable of providing the appropriate level of services for the population and efficient use of resources. The introduction of the reform was accompanied by changes in legislation that gave territorial communities more powers and financial opportunities. It is substantiated that an important component of the reform was also the creation of conditions for attracting investments in the development of communities, which stimulated economic activity on the ground. Differences between regions, the level of development of infrastructure and resources affected the pace of implementation of changes and the quality of their implementation. However, in general, the reform became an important factor in the decentralization and democratization of society, giving communities more autonomy and opportunities for development. The successful implementation of this reform became a prerequisite for further steps towards the modernization of the system of local self-government in Ukraine. In the conditions of globalization and integration of Ukraine into the European space, it is especially relevant to improve the efficiency of management of socio-economic systems of regions. It was analyzed that the development and implementation of innovative management mechanisms take into account modern challenges and opportunities, in particular the need for adaptation to European standards. Particular attention should be paid to creating conditions for attracting investments that will contribute to the development of local infrastructure, increase the competitiveness of regions, as well as increase the level and quality of life of the population. An important component of this process is the development of a strategic partnership between state bodies, the private sector and civil society, which will create favorable conditions for the development of socio-economic systems. It was found that in the conditions of modern Ukrainian realities, the problems of developing regional systems, increasing the efficiency of their management and ensuring their attractiveness for investors are extremely important. Solving these tasks will contribute to economic stability, social development and political security of Ukraine. In the conditions of decentralization and reform of territorial communities in Ukraine, the role of regional socio-economic systems becomes even more important. It envisages the comprehensive development of all spheres of life, from the economy and infrastructure to the social sphere, ecology and natural resource management. The effective functioning of this system ensures stable economic development, growth in the level and quality of life of the population, and an increase in the competitiveness of regions.
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