Keywords: artificial intelligence, diffusion, infrastructure, model, readiness of society, SWOT analysis, technology


The purpose of research is to form directions of artificial intelligence technologies’ implementation at economy of Ukraine and Poland. To define and analyze literature streams about artificial intelligence technologies’ implementation in economy it is used methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis. The SWOT analysis method is employed to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in Poland and Ukraine. Brainstorming and modeling methods are applied to develop strategic directions for the implementation of AI technologies in both countries. The SWOT analysis of artificial intelligence implementation in Poland and Ukraine reveals distinct characteristics. Poland's artificial intelligence environment is driven by legislative regulation and substantial startup funding, while Ukraine's environment relies on the performance of foreign companies' tasks and university project activities. The study establishes that the background of artificial intelligence development in a country is a result of government agenda and startup activities. The research contributes to the identification and understanding of potential pathways for the utilization of artificial intelligence in the economies of Poland and Ukraine for national development.


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How to Cite
Tarasenko, S., Duranowski, W., Bilovol, A., & Dabrowski, Z. (2024). DIRECTIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IMPLEMENTATION AT ECONOMY OF UKRAINE AND POLAND. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 172-179.