Purpose. The development of marketing approaches to the formation of restaurant establishments concept as a direction of their modernization, taking into account the needs of individual consumer groups (on the example of students). Methodology of research. The comparative and analytical methods were used to analyze the scientific approaches to the study of restaurant industry and the directions of its modernization. Structural and functional methods were applied to identify the main components of the restaurant establishment concept. Sociological methods (questionnaires) were used to conduct a marketing study of students' preferences regarding cafes (restaurants). Findings. Scientific and practical approaches to the modernization of restaurant establishments by developing or refining their concept are analyzed. The sociological survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire in order to study the demand for restaurant services among students. The results of the survey are analyzed and the main components and principles of developing the concept of the student cafe (restaurant) are substantiated. The conclusion is made about the main directions of restaurant industry modernization and their relevance. Originality. The role and peculiarities of the restaurant establishment concept development as a marketing mechanism of the hospitality industry modernization processes are substantiated, which, unlike the available approaches, makes it possible to more objectively evaluate the development potential of this sphere in the state and its regions. Practical value. The results of the study can be used to develop concepts for student restaurants. Substantiated theoretical and methodological principles of the restaurant establishments’ modernization with the use of marketing mechanisms can be applied for further research in this area.
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