Keywords: beef, cattle, agricultural enterprises, households, state support


For Ukraine, cattle breeding is important for the economy, because it not only provides the food market with high-quality and inexpensive products, but also allows rational and efficient use of natural resources, provides jobs for the rural population. Meat cattle breeding is one of the most important consumers of crop production and processing of crop raw materials (grain waste from flour milling, seed enterprises and essential oil production, beer and alcohol production). The following methods and techniques were used to implement the tasks: monographic, statistical grouping, and graphic - for a comprehensive study of the current state of production of meat and livestock products and the determination of factors affecting its effectiveness; selective - for a detailed examination of individual livestock farms. Analyzing the development of the industry, it is legitimate to state that it is in a critical state in most agricultural enterprises. Unprofitability, low profitability undermine the economic interest of business entities in increasing investments. In order to increase the efficiency of breeding and fattening of cattle, further strengthening of intensification, growth of investments and, on this basis, production increase, optimization of the cost price at the level of normative indicators are required. It is extremely important and urgent to provide product manufacturers with economic incentives that ensure, with the rational use of funds and resources, the necessary amounts of profit for the implementation of expanded reproduction in the industry. It is substantiated by the main directions of the strategy of successful management of meat cattle breeding in Ukraine, which include: the use of low-cost, resource-saving technologies, in particular: herd grazing, use of fences, to save electricity - the use of solar batteries, etc.; properly organized reproduction of the cattle population based on the use of foreign experience; creation of comfortable conditions for animals; organization of full feeding of animals; organization of timely examination of animals, diagnostic studies and preventive vaccination, vitaminization, dispensary examination; application of new breeding achievements, computer programs for livestock accounting and animal feeding, including conducting research in the field of molecular biology, proteomics, bioinformatics and biotechnology.


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How to Cite
Ibatullin, I., Fedoruk, Y., Fedoruk, N., & Pokotylo, I. (2024). ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF BEEF PRODUCTION IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 129-135.