Keywords: innovation, agriculture, innovative enterprise, innovative development, technology, financial result


Based on the generalization of the scientists' research, propose measures to improve the theoretical basis of innovative activity in agriculture. Research methodology. To achieve the goal of the dissertation research, general scientific and special methods were used, in particular: logical-semantic (to clarify the conceptual apparatus of innovative activity in agriculture); system generalization (in areas of improving the implementation of innovations in agriculture); abstract-logical (for theoretical generalization and formation of conclusions). The main stages of the innovation process in agriculture, the creation of innovations, their distribution and mastery by commodity producers are substantiated. At the same time, the stage of dissemination can be conventionally divided into two stages: the first dissemination of the innovation (bringing information about it to the product manufacturer) and the subsequent dissemination of the innovation (diffusion of innovations).The dissemination stage covers various directions and specific channels of penetration of innovations into agricultural production, among which an important place is occupied by: the functioning of agricultural sector management bodies, training and retraining of managers, specialists and workers of mass professions, as well as the development of information and propaganda activities. In modern conditions, this stage is not given due attention. Based on the generalization of scientific research, the author's approach to understanding "innovative development" is proposed as a set of organizational, legal and economic relations arising in the process of innovative activity. It was established that the results of the implementation of innovative solutions significantly depend on innovative entrepreneurship. It should be understood as a type of entrepreneurial activity that is aimed at the creation and integrated use of innovations that contribute, in conditions of increased investment risk, to obtaining profit and increasing the scientific and technical potential of the territory due to the development of production, technology transfer, increasing the competitiveness and knowledge-intensiveness of products through the formation of a new management style and motivation of creative abilities and business activity of economic entities.


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How to Cite
Prysiazhniuk, N., & Oleksiy. (2024). THE ESSENCE AND CONTENT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY IN AGRICULTURE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 123-128.