Based on the generalization of the scientists' research, offer practical recommendations for evaluating the effectiveness of innovative activities of agricultural enterprises. To achieve the goal, modern research methods were used: system analysis - in the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of evaluating the effectiveness of innovative activities of agricultural enterprises; abstract-logical - to clarify the essence of the main concepts, definitions and categories of the theory of innovative production of agricultural products; comprehensive analysis - to determine the main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of innovative activities of farms in the corporate sector of the agrarian economy. It was established that the goals of the subjects of innovative activity depend on the economic interests of the participants of the innovation process and are determined by the nature of the strategic and tactical tasks to be solved. The strategic task of innovative activities in agriculture is to achieve competitive production parameters to accelerate the processes of expanded reproduction of the industry and ensure the country's food security. Tactical tasks are reduced to increasing production profitability, labor productivity, reducing costs, improving product quality, etc. Investments are needed to implement innovative projects in agriculture. Evaluating the effectiveness of capital investments can be applied a technique that takes into account the interests of the national economy as a whole. At the same time, the choice of the optimal option is carried out by calculating the indicators of the payback period, comparative economic efficiency and the minimum costs. It has been proven that among the types of efficiency in agriculture, it is advisable to single out biological efficiency, which is characterized by an increase in the yield of agricultural crops, an increase in the productivity of farm animals. The manifestation of the biological effect will be an increase in the genetic potential of agricultural crops.
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