The article examines the impact of innovative technologies in the forestry industry on the accounting system of forestry enterprises. Their role for the development of the industry and enterprises, in particular, was assessed. They influence the improvement of efficiency and profitability; improvement of labor safety; reducing the negative impact on the environment; production of higher quality products; increasing competitiveness; improvement of forest resource management, etc. The specific features of the forestry industry are analyzed and their influence on the organization and methodology of accounting is outlined. A brief description of forestry enterprises regarding their financial condition is provided. The main areas of innovation and their impact on the forest industry of Ukraine are systematized, which include: precision forestry; sustainable forest use; digitization of forestry; fight against illegal logging; professional development and staff education. It is substantiated that the impact of innovative technologies in the forestry industry on the accounting system of forestry enterprises can be manifested in the development of accounting methods; automation of accounting processes; increasing accounting transparency; changes in qualification requirements for accountants; impact on financial reporting, etc. It is noted that the influence of innovative technologies in the forestry industry of Ukraine on the accounting system of forestry enterprises has both advantages and certain challenges. The benefits include: increasing the accuracy, efficiency and transparency of your accounting processes, reducing fraud risks, and improving risk management. Among the challenges: the high cost of implementing innovative technologies, the need for personnel training, cyber security, the need to change business processes, etc. Based on the results of the research, recommendations are given for forestry enterprises regarding the implementation of innovative technologies and the organization of accounting.
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