Keywords: population welfare, COVID-19, evaluation, GDP per capita, foreign trade indicators, dynamics, statistical methods


The article is dedicated to the issue of population well-being assessment in Ukraine and the impact of the pandemic on it. The concept of well-being of the population is described as a concept that includes economic and social components. Objective and subjective indicators of well-being are also considered. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic indicators of well-being, including economic growth indicators, nominal and real gross domestic product per capita, consumer price index, foreign trade indicators such as exports, imports, export and import quotas, as well as average monthly incomes and expenses, public debt, etc. The growth rates of population welfare indicators for different time periods were calculated in the research. The impact of the pandemic on the qualitative component of well-being, on the indicators of demographic, social and environmental statistics, was also assessed. The statistical methods are used in the article, particularly, analysis of the dynamics of indicators in 2018-2021. The indicators of economic growth and foreign trade are visualized. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the dynamics of foreign economic indicators, since it is a well-known fact that foreign trade is one of the sectors of the economy that have been most affected by the pandemic. The authors describe that indicators such as the national debt and the unemployment rate are increasing, which leads to negative consequences. Such a sharp increase in these indicators can have particularly noticeable consequences in the long term. In particular, there can be a low level of innovative and scientific activity due to low qualifications of personnel, a decrease in purchasing power due to an increase in the tax burden, a low level of education and medicine due to the lack of sufficient funding in these areas. Consequences of covid-19, which were visible in the economic, political, demographic and other spheres of life, were considered. The need to develop mechanisms for the efficient functioning of the economy in extreme conditions was also emphasized in the research.


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How to Cite
Vdovyn, M., & Sukhovych, K. (2024). CONSEQUENCES OF COVID-19 IMPACT ON POPULATION WELFARE IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(50), 81-86.