Today, agricultural and processing enterprises of Ukraine suffer significant financial losses due to a decrease in the volume of production (for example, unharvested crops), purchase prices (due to disruption of export logistics), higher additional production costs (for example, for fertilizers and fuel, the cost of reclamation of contaminated lands after their survey , demining and liberation) due to the full-scale invasion of the russian federation and the conduct of active hostilities on the territory of the country. Before the war, Ukrainian agriculture produced 10% of GDP, employed 14% of the labor force, and accounted for 41% of total exports. In order to achieve the goals of sustainable development through the introduction of ecologically clean and waste-free technologies and the production of biofuels, it is necessary to stimulate and increase the efficiency of cooperation between the public and private sectors. The purpose of the article is to develop the mechanisms of state stimulation of the implementation of public-private partnership regarding the implementation of waste-free technologies for the production of biofuels at agricultural and processing enterprises of Ukraine. The article is devoted to topical issues of state stimulation of the development of public-private partnerships (hereinafter referred to as PPPs) in the field of implementation of waste-free technologies for the production of biofuels at processing and agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. The theoretical foundations of PPP implementation have been studied, and its advantages for the state and business have been determined. The number of contracts concluded under PPP conditions, which are implemented, as well as the distribution of PPP agreements by sector as of January 1, 2024, were analyzed. The main principles of PPP implementation for the implementation of projects in the field of energy efficiency and waste-free production are highlighted. The factors necessary to ensure the successful implementation of PPP projects in the field of implementing waste-free technologies for the production of biofuels in Ukraine have been systematized. A mechanism for PPP implementation in the field of biofuels production has been developed. Mechanisms for state stimulation of PPP development in the field of implementation of waste-free technologies for the production of biofuels are proposed.
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