Keywords: labor market, state policy, productive employment, population employment, risk


The national labor market has been studied and determined to be in a state of crisis, as the number of unemployed is increasing, especially among the vulnerable population. The share of the population that is below the poverty line because they have lost jobs is constantly increasing, which increases the already recessionary state of the economy and the burden on the state budget. The dynamics of the population and the number of registered unemployed in Ukraine were analyzed. There is also a deterioration in the quality of personnel potential, which is associated with emigration processes, since a significant part of emigrants is the personnel reserve of the middle and higher levels. The labor market in Ukraine in the conditions of martial law was considered, the trends of state policy changes in the sphere of labor market regulation were analyzed. The consequences of military operations on the change in the structure of the labor market are analyzed, and the problems of the disproportion between demand and supply of labor at this stage of the development of the national economic system are outlined. It has been identified that there is a shortage of highly qualified personnel, and this gap will be difficult to fill, as most do not plan to return or are still hesitant to make a decision. It is noted that the policy on the labor market, its goals, tasks and implementation mechanisms should be aimed at regulating those processes on the labor market that are directly related to the movement of labor. The strategic goal of the state reform is to create an effective mechanism for accelerated employment of the unemployed from among vulnerable categories. A special part of the labor market is internally displaced persons, single mothers, persons with special needs are the most vulnerable sections of the population on the labor market. Therefore, the state, first of all, needs to pay attention to vulnerable sections of the population, stimulating the creation of additional opportunities for starting a business and creating new jobs. The qualitative composition of the working population was studied, and conclusions were drawn about its deterioration, in particular due to the outflow of a significant number of highly qualified specialists who are in forced emigration.


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How to Cite
PrymostkaО. (2024). CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY ON THE LABOR MARKET IN CONDITIONS OF INCREASED RISKS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 331-336.