Keywords: brand, branding, trade mark, trademark, brand management


The paper presents the specification of the conceptual apparatus of categories in the branding system. It has been determined that the interpretation of a brand encompasses three significant directions: the unique added value of the object (product, enterprise, territory), the system of identity, and the aggregate of consumers impressions as the holistic image of the brand. Such a position in our opinion presents more comprehensive revealing of the brand’s essence considering the scale of the category under research. The paper states that the essence of the brand shall be most completely revealed as a materialized symbol of the relationships between the seller and the buyer which are based on a specific trade mark, company name, style, slogan, presented in the form of a certain visual product, clearly perceived by consumers as a set of functional and emotional elements, unified with the product itself as well as methods for its presentation. There had been substantiated the main components of a brand ¬– the name, that is the verbal designation of the product; the image, that is the impression of consumers about the product, expectations and associations, as well as social recognition and high value. The terminological relationship of categories – “trademark. “brand. “logo” – had been disclosed. It has been determined that the notions of brand, trademark, and logo are closely related but are not interchangeable at the same time. It had been substantiated that a trademark should be understood as a name, title, symbol, image, or their combination aimed at identifying an object. The terminological relationship of categories – “trademark. “brand. “logo” – had been disclosed. It has been determined that the notions of brand, trademark, and logo are closely related but are not interchangeable at the same time. It had been substantiated that a trademark should be understood as a name, title, symbol, image, or their combination aimed at identifying an object. A trademark is a designation under which goods and services of one person are distinguished from those of others, for which a certificate is issued. In relation to a trademark, a logo shall be understood as a trademark that is registered in the prescribed manner and has legal protection. Regarding the essence of the brand, it has been prooved that it is a well-known trademark or logo associated in the minds of consumers with certain expected benefits and values. It is appropriate to note that the dissemination of the above interpretation of the brand extends not only to goods and services but also to places (territories), nations, or countries.


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Karachyna, N., Dykhnich, D., & Samofalova, M. (2024). TERMINOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIP OF CATEGORIES IN THE BRANDING SYSTEM. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 325-330. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-49-52