Keywords: financial controlling, financial corporation, management, control, analysis


Goal. Based on the generalization of research by scientists, to offer practical recommendations for improving the functionality of financial controlling in the activities of financial corporations. Research methodology. General scientific and specific methods were used to solve the tasks. The methods of theoretical generalization, grouping, and comparison were used in the study of the economic essence of financial controlling. Taking into account the impact of various factors on the choice of tools for financial cost control was revealed using the method of comparative analysis and synthesis. The results. It has been proven that for the successful implementation of the controlling system at financial corporations, it is necessary to create a system for collecting actual management information, a clear organizational and financial structure that functions as a budgeting system, and also to develop modern methods of evaluating the efficiency of the enterprise. The presence of these elements guarantees the effective functioning of the controlling system. Scientific novelty. Reasonable, regarding the use of the analysis of payment flows, the so-called Cash-Flow-analysis, as a financial controlling tool; analysis of working capital; financial "web", with the help of which you can clearly see on the graph the connection between the various goals of financial controlling; the balance sheet of the movement of financial resources, which takes into account the origin of these funds and their use, and the financial plan, which is a document that characterizes the way to achieve the company's financial goals and relates its income and expenses. Practical significance. Practical experience shows that the implementation of a controlling system in the management of financial corporations allows to create an important competitive advantage for the development of their activities (expansion of sales markets, improvement of product quality), preservation of occupied positions on the market and increase of competitiveness in conditions of instability of the economic environment, as well as to support sustainable development financial corporations in the long term.


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How to Cite
Kladnytska, T., Artimonova, I., Kemenyash, I., & Svinous, N. (2024). THE ROLE AND PLACE OF FINANCIAL CONTROLLING IN THE MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 314-318.