Nowadays, the problem of economy digitization, which is characterized by the development of the electronic information environment and the latest technologies spread, is becoming more and more relevant. It has been proven that the emergence of digital technologies plays an important role in the state's socio-economic development, directs its innovative potential in the necessary direction, and promotes sustainable development and obtaining new competitive advantages. For any country, it is important to develop the national economy, help increase the level of income and well-being of the population, and increase the level of security. Of course, the economy's digitalization according to European standards will increase the country’s competitiveness and technological level, as well as strengthen resistance to cyber threats. However, it is necessary to determine the drivers of increasing the level of the country's economic security, since economy digitalization has its positive and negative sides, is under the influence of a large number of risks, and occurs during martial law. It was determined that the development of the population digital competencies should take place through the system of continuous education, and professional training of specialists with the appropriate level of basic competencies mastery, which are presented to the EU population. The next step is to deepen the digital transformation of public administration through the provision of electronic services, transparency, accountability, stimulation of the information technologies development, artificial intelligence, big data analysis, implementation of “Industry 4.0” and “Industry 5.0”. Another driver of increasing the country’s economic security should be the formation of a powerful cyber security system based on European experience in countering risks and threats by creating special security centers in the regions. The EU's experience in providing the right conditions to support innovation and digitalization includes accelerating the implementation of best management practices, improving the skills of employees through training and simplifying the financing of investments in intangible and digital technologies, increasing the share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) that invest in digital technologies, and as well as improving the security of the information infrastructure and the stability of its functioning.
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