Keywords: logistics, supply chain logistics, strategy, management, activity safety, formation


One of the important elements of logistics is the creation of logistics chains that form the basis for optimizing delivery processes and ensuring high quality customer service. The purpose of the article is to study the main challenges that occur in the formation of logistics supply chains at the enterprise and, based on them, to develop a management strategy that will help counteract various obstacles and failures in the logistics chain, reduce delivery time and transportation costs. The main problems of forming logistic supply chains in Ukraine during wartime are grouped and characterized. It is established that these problems are partial, and logistic enterprises face a multitude of unforeseen factors in forming logistic chains. A strategy for the formation and management of logistics supply chains at the enterprise is proposed, on which control points and success factors are noted. Taking into account these components will make it possible to optimize supply processes, reduce costs and increase production efficiency. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis and assessment of risks in the logistics supply chain. Careful study of possible threats and timely response to them allow you to avoid negative consequences for the enterprise, ensuring stable and uninterrupted operation of the supply chain. Risk resistance and risk protection are taken into account in the strategy of formation and management of logistics supply chains, to ensure the stability and reliability of logistics processes, as well as to reduce possible losses and negative impact on business. The key safety indicators of the activities of logistics enterprises are highlighted, which help them to effectively manage risks and ensure the safe functioning of logistics supply chains. On the basis of these indicators, a strategy for the formation of the security of logistics enterprises was developed, which aims to ensure the highest level of protection and stability in all aspects of activity. The author's definition of the concept of risk protection of an enterprise is proposed and it is clarified that an important role in the formation of risk protection of a business entity belongs to information security. And one of the key strategies for managing logistics supply chains is the use of information technologies.


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How to Cite
Bezditko, O., Kravchuk, I., & Lavrynenko, S. (2024). STRATEGY FOR FORMATION AND MANAGEMENT OF LOGISTICS SUPPLY CHAINS AT THE ENTERPRISE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 252-257.