Keywords: information and accounting support, management reporting, borrower, creditworthiness, enterprise


Goal. Based on the generalization of research by scientists and the activities of business entities, develop practical recommendations for information and analytical support for monitoring borrowers of commercial banks. Research methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the scientific works of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the activities of financial institutions and the problems of assessing the risk of their lending. The following methods of scientific research were used to solve the tasks: analysis of Internet resources - to assess the level of prevalence of the concepts use in the field of risk assessment of financial institutions crediting activities; morphological analysis - to clarify the essence of the «credit risk» concept; analysis, synthesis, analogy, logical generalization - for the systematization of theoretical and practical aspects of financial institutions activities credit risk assessment. The results. It has been proven that the implementation of constant monitoring of the business entity current activity and cash flows - the borrower of a commercial bank allows to monitor the implementation of the established planned tasks regarding the formation of funds volume and their spending in the prescribed directions, the uniformity of cash flows formation over time, the liquidity of the company's cash flows. And the creation of a single information space will allow economic entities to manage assets and liabilities as a whole, which will undoubtedly give positive results in the activity, increasing the profitability and profitability of the economic entity. Scientific novelty. It is justified that in order to form the analytical information necessary for the analysis of creditworthiness, it is recommended to draw up internal reporting, which will contain a simplified analytical balance sheet (with transcripts), a simplified analytical report on financial results and a monthly report on the flow of funds. These forms must be drawn up no later than the 7th of each month based on the results of the previous month's work and submitted to the head of the economic entity. A simplified analytical balance will allow internal users of accounting information to see all the changes occurring in a shorter period of time. Practical significance. The management of the enterprise creditworthiness as a separate structural element of the enterprise's activities management as a whole should be handled by the department of financial analysis, which can be allocated as a separate link in the organizational structure of the entity. For the effective work of the financial analysis department, the correct construction of the document management system at the enterprise is required.


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How to Cite
Svynous, I., Levandivskyi, O., Turzhanskyi, V., & Havryk, O. (2024). INFORMATION AND ACCOUNTING SUPPORT FOR MONITORING THE CREDITWORTHINESS OF BANK BORROWERS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 245-251.