The purpose of the article. To analyze features and trends in world seeds trade of agricultural crops, to identify the key players of the world seed market, and also to assess the customs and tariff conditions for access to the markets of potential importers. Research methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of cognition, a systematic approach to examining of economic phenomena, especially scientific research of domestic and foreign scientists on international trade in agricultural products and seeds. The following methods were used: abstract-logical – in order to form assumptions, hypotheses, as well as conclusions and generalizations; analysis and synthesis - when assessing the state of the research object and substantiating proposals to improve it and ensure full development in the future. Research results. It is proved that the increase in the share of more expensive seeds, the expansion of their technological improvements, the development of intellectual property system for plant varieties, the geographical specialization in selection and seed production, the improvement of methods of seeds transportation and storage, the unification of international trade rules contributes to the rapid development of world trade in seeds. In recent decades, the global seed market has tended to become increasingly concentrated and traded. Scientific novelty. Despite fairly liberal trade policy, non-tariff regulatory measures have been found to be of paramount importance in most countries of the world. The successful localization of seed production by international companies does not remove from the agenda the threatening increase in dependence on imported seed producers, but at least defines a certain framework for prospective work with the development of Ukrainian lines, their patent protection and promotion. The use of high standards of work in high-tech centers will definitely not hinder domestic specialists in the field. Practical significance. It has been substantiated that the exchange rate dynamics, global demand, the internal economy of agricultural producers and the capacity of the growing market, in theory provide good opportunities for the development of Ukrainian seed production and subdivisions of global producers. The seed-producing centers of transnational corporations located in Ukraine are limited in price competition, as they are forced to adhere to the policy of equilibrium prices - the cost of one hybrid should be the same regardless of the country of production.
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