Today, one of the most negative events in the global economy is the war in Ukraine, which not only negatively affects Ukraine's economic situation, but also the overall situation in the world. As a result of the full-scale war, Ukraine's foreign economic relations with other countries are disrupted due to the disruption of trade ties. In addition, given that Ukraine is an important exporter of many goods, international economic relations are affected. Countries that depend on Ukraine's exports are particularly affected. Therefore, it was important to study the current state of international economic relations in the context of the war in Ukraine. Thus, the article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of formation of international economic relations under martial law. The article is based on the analysis of relevant scientific sources and statistical data, which allowed for a comprehensive assessment of the current state of international economic relations. The author analyses the theoretical foundations of international economic relations. The main factors influencing the current state of international economic relations are identified. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on modern international economic relations is considered. It is established that under current conditions, a full-scale war in Ukraine has the greatest impact on international economic relations. The main consequences of a full-scale war for modern international economic relations are identified. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of international economic relations in Ukraine and the foreign economic activity of the State by analysing the foreign trade regulators in Ukraine and the general state of the State's economy, as well as the changes taking place in the context of export-import relations. The analysis shows that it is necessary to introduce effective measures to improve the state of Ukraine's economy and its foreign economic activity, which will ensure the stabilisation of international economic relations.
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