The article examines the problem of the formation of a mutual connection between monetary, macroprudential and microprudential policies and identifies the goals and objectives of the policy of regulating the activities of non-banking financial institutions. It was determined that prudential supervision is a process that includes three stages of the implementation of the supervisory procedure as a preventive measure to detect violations of the regulator's requirements: obtaining information about the supervisory financial and credit institution; analysis of received data; making a decision on a "control" measure. We propose to distinguish the concepts of supervisory procedures and control measures of financial market regulation, understanding the latter as a set of measures of influence of a preventive or coercive nature. To achieve the strategic goal of the regulator, which is to ensure the reliability and stability of financial markets and prevent systemic risks, we propose to use a matrix for assessing the effectiveness of regulating the activities of non-banking financial institutions according to the "trajectory" of the study of correlating criteria of functional (target), technological, operational (management), economic and social efficiency. Conducting one level of research according to one given criterion makes it possible to form an expert opinion on the effectiveness of the regulatory system - in part, and step-by-step use of all criteria - as a whole. It was determined that, from the point of view of technological efficiency, the effectiveness of financial market regulation methods is measured by assessing the "implementation" of infrastructure tasks, including ensuring quality legislation and information transparency of financial institutions and their regulators. Scientific innovation consists in clarifying the theoretical apparatus of financial market regulation, developing a model for assessing the effectiveness of regulation of non-banking financial institutions, systematizing world trends and identifying effective methods of regulation, determining measures to increase the efficiency of financial market regulation based on the analysis of the functioning of national financial markets and models of their regulation.
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