Keywords: strategy, development strategy, macro environment, instability, enterprise


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of the company's development strategy in conditions of macroeconomic instability. The purpose of the article is to establish the features of the company's development strategy in conditions of macroeconomic instability and to determine the features of its formation. Summarizing scientific approaches to understanding the economic content of the "development strategy" category, it was concluded that for the enterprise these are clearly thought-out goals and objectives, the achievement of which will ensure the formed volumes of resource potential, taking into account competitive positions on the market of products or services. It is substantiated that the company's development strategy covers various aspects of its activities and employees, aimed at their progressive development and achievement of high results. It is noted that the specifics of the development of the company's development strategy depend on the industry affiliation, the dynamics of the achieved activity indicators, the available potential, the position occupied on the product market, the behavior of competitors, and consumer preferences. For the successful formation of a strategy, the main tasks are necessary: formulation of the strategic vision and mission of the enterprise; setting goals, namely, specific results that the company seeks to achieve; development of a development strategy, which is an action plan and includes the selection of priority markets, competitor analysis, determination of the company's competitive advantages, and the development of separate strategic and tactical measures. The main stages of developing the company's development strategy are defined. It is substantiated that in order for the strategic process not to be an exclusively formal procedure, it must be directed to the solution of practical tasks, to ensure its compliance with such criteria as ease of understanding; using only those management procedures that are functionally significant and correspond to the features of the management policy of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Piletska, S., Klius, I., & Bilous, N. (2024). FEATURES OF FORMING STRATEGIES FOR ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT IN THE MIND OF MACROECONOMIC INSTABILITY. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 174-179. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-49-27