Keywords: business process management, BPM, digital technologies, digitalisation, hyper-automation


Information and digital technologies play an integral role in business process management, and now, with the rapid development of science and technology in the wake of Industry 4.0, new trends in the use of digital and information technologies in the field of RBM are being observed. Business process management and related disciplines have been studied for four decades, but there is still a lack of publications explaining the development of digital technologies in the field of WLM. Business processes are widespread in companies of all industries and are an important part of company management. Business process management has always been of great interest to company executives in all industries and, of course, is a hot topic in academic circles. After many years of development, business process management is no longer separated from information and digital technologies. In the context of Industry 4.0, digital technologies have also experienced a breakthrough. In practice, a business process for companies is a way of modelling the business activities of an enterprise. Currently, there are many ways in which companies can model their business, such as conceptual analysis at the macro level, transactional analysis at the micro level, etc. Thus, the analysis of the process and trends of digitalisation of business process management is of interest to the scientific and commercial community. Based on scientific research and works of Ukrainian and foreign authors, this article examines the process of digitalisation of business process management development at enterprises and analyses the trends in their digitalisation. The theoretical and empirical basis of this study is the scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on enterprise business process management and the development of digital technologies, as well as practice-oriented publications and open sources. This article uses general scientific research methods - abstraction, analysis, synthesis and systematisation. The scientific novelty is expressed in the generalisation and analysis of numerous stages of development of digital technologies for enterprise business process management and future trends.


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How to Cite
Dolha, H., & Khytrova, O. (2024). DEVELOPMENT AND TRENDS IN THE DIGITALISATION OF BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 141-145.