The business environment is changing rapidly. New needs arise, the supply of certain types of raw materials decreases, certain consumer markets disappear, etc. In such circumstances, companies need to take quick action to ensure that their performance is sufficient for effective long-term development. An effective way to achieve such goals is to diversify the activities of enterprises. Diversification helps to insure the company's operations against significant losses by allowing it to balance different areas by increasing production of profitable and reducing unprofitable areas of activity. However, due to the wide variety of activities, products and services, diversified companies face difficulties in promptly changing their pricing policy, taking measures to optimise costs for certain types of products, etc. Such problems arise primarily due to the wide range of products and different activities of diversified enterprises, which are difficult to integrate. Therefore, the activities of diversified enterprises should clearly define separate focal points that will be responsible for and facilitate the effective establishment of these structures. One such centre is the profit centre. To ensure effective interaction of diversified enterprises with business units of other enterprises or entire enterprises, it is necessary to form profit centres in them in such a way that their data can be compared with each other by key elements. This requires clarifying the specifics of the formation and functioning of profit centres of diversified enterprises. The article studies content and peculiarities of formation of the profit centre. It outlines problems of functioning of diversified enterprises. It specifies the place of formation and offers types of profit centres of diversified enterprises, taking into account the main purpose of their functioning and problems of introduction at diversified enterprises. The allocation of the proposed profit centres will allow them to promptly collect, process and make appropriate decisions when the conditions for the functioning of these structures change, both depending on changes in the factors of their operating environments and options for interaction with other business structures or their components. This is possible due to the proposed versatility of such centres of different business structures.
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