• Yurii Danko Sumy National Agrarian University
  • Nataliia Zhurbenko Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: agricultural sector, clusters, agroholdings, crop production, animal husbandry, resources, production resources, production potential, development, sustainable development


This article explores aspects of assessing the production potential of the agro-industrial sector, the available production resources, and the efficiency of their utilization for self-development. The research establishes the relevance of studying approaches to determining the production potential of agricultural enterprises and emphasizes the need for further investigations. The generalized concept of the production potential of the agricultural sector is outlined. The dynamics of agricultural land areas are scrutinized, leading to conclusions about the effectiveness of their utilization. Furthermore, the article investigates the dynamics of areas under major agricultural crops, concluding a shift towards export-oriented crops. The study delves into the production dynamics of agricultural crops and the application of various fertilizers, highlighting an existing imbalance between mineral and organic fertilizers adversely affecting soil fertility. Negative trends in the livestock population in Ukraine are identified, signaling a critical state of animal husbandry, with the exception of poultry farming. An examination of the dynamics of the number of economic entities, employed and hired workers reveals positive developments in the growth of small agribusinesses. The article analyzes the dynamics of the volume of products sold by large, medium, and small enterprises, along with the overall financial performance. Positive trends are observed in the increasing share and volumes of products sold by small agricultural enterprises. Despite these positive shifts, systemic problems restraining the development of the agricultural sector persist. Effective measures of state support and incentives for development are deemed necessary to address these challenges.


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How to Cite
Danko, Y., & Zhurbenko, N. (2023). EVALUATION OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES’ PRODUCTION POTENTIAL: TOWARDS CLUSTERS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(47), 276-283. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2023-47-39