Keywords: project management, management of the projects, project-program approach to management, project team, project working group, local self-government, territorial communities


The article is devoted to the problem of applying the project approach to the management of territorial communities in modern conditions. In this regard, attention has been drawn to the fact that the decentralization reform in Ukraine demonstrated its positive results, especially with the beginning of the full-scale invasion by russia, as many communities had to take on all the challenges of the modern war and felt the negative impact of the crisis caused by a full-scale invasion. And therefore, according to the authors, modern management at the level of local self-government should be carried out using a project approach. It has been noted that despite the fact that many Ukrainian authors highlight the problems of local self-government in their works, the problem of scientific substantiation of current approaches to the management of territorial communities, as well as clarifying the understanding of the concept of project activity, project management, including at the level of local self-government need a more in-depth study. The differences between the concepts of "project management" and "management of the projects" have been clarified, as well as the fact that it is the project model of management that allows to maximally concentrate financial, administrative and management resources on the implementation of the most important areas of development of the territorial community. The results of the study of management processes and the resilience of territorial communities to the challenges of war, which were carried out at the initiative of the command of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the funding of the Hans Seidel Foundation in Ukraine, are presented, namely the priorities in the management of territorial communities, in particular: proactive management; ensuring effective communication; coordination of efforts and cooperation. It has been concluded from the research that at the level of territorial communities, in the conditions of the challenges of war, such an approach to management should be implemented, which will allow to quickly respond to challenges and threats - a project approach. It has been listed what exactly the project approach should provide and what basic principles should be laid down in the management of territorial communities in the conditions of increased risks caused by war. A proposal for the creation of project groups has been presented, the difference between a project and a working group has been established, and a mechanism for introducing a project-program approach to the management of territorial communities has been proposed. A scheme for assessing the "project maturity" of local self-government bodies has been presented, which allows to assess their readiness for effective management of activities taking into account the project approach. Conclusions have been made about the effectiveness of project management in local self-government of Ukraine, and especially in wartime conditions.


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How to Cite
Proskura, V., Zarichna, O., & Kashyn, A. (2024). A PROJECT APPROACH TO THE MANAGEMENT OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE WAR CHALLENGES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-49-4