The article examines the business activity of business processes, taking into account the optimization of business activities based on creativity, as well as the targeted approach of business structures in the conditions of martial law, the relocation of enterprises from the occupied territories, and access to financial resources. The concept of "digitalization of business activity" and its implementation at domestic enterprises is defined. Digitization of entrepreneurial activity promotes the development of new types of business activity, taking into account the creative potential of personnel, which will affect the competitiveness of the enterprise. Digitalization has gained particular importance during the pandemic caused by COVID-19, where she played an important role in innovation, creative business solutions and sustainable development of the competitive environment. The conducted analysis contributes to the establishment of internal and external relations, covering all areas of the economy and business, using IT technologies in their economic activities and striving to occupy a suitable niche in this segment. The conducted analysis contributes to the establishment of internal and external relations, covering all spheres of economy and business. Digitalization opens up new opportunities, and most importantly, it helps to optimize and improve the company's activities, which is especially relevant for Ukrainian business. Technologies are an integral part of the development of any company. Quite recently, the problems of building and improving business processes began to be solved with the help of digitalization. In general, digital transformation can implement rationalization in three global areas: document flow, data analysis, and organizational activity. Over time, digital transformation will permeate all spheres of the economy, and entrepreneurs must respond to these changes. This process will help to optimize both the main business processes and auxiliary ones with managers. At the current stage, there are a large number of digital tools, among which you can choose the appropriate direction of digitization of the business itself. the implementation of digital accounting allows to effectively organize incoming and outgoing logistics, to make management decisions in real time.
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