• Iryna Kukushka National Transport University
Keywords: imperative, innovation, transportation enterprise, digital transformation, green technologies


The article is dedicated to the analysis of imperatives in the innovative development of transportation enterprises, particularly in the context of Ukraine's transportation industry. The text explores the concept of "imperatives" in the context of innovation in the transportation sector, explaining that these are mandatory or crucial factors that determine the necessity of innovation in this industry. The identified imperatives include: increasing transport volumes, environmental issues, competition, and technological shifts. It is noted that one of the main imperatives is the need to create new, more productive transportation models, where cargo and passengers are delivered to their destination using the most efficient modes of transport. This entails a reconsideration of the transportation system and the use of various modes of transport that optimally fit specific tasks. Another imperative is the need to improve the energy efficiency of vehicles, introduce eco-friendly fuels and engines, optimize multimodal logistics schemes, and use resource-efficient transport modes for transporting large cargoes over long distances. The article emphasizes that the Ukrainian transportation industry must actively adapt to global digital trends, including the implementation of intelligent systems, automation, and digital transformation. Another key imperative is to reduce the negative impact of transportation on the environment through the development and implementation of green technologies and innovations in the field of transport. The development of cybersecurity and the use of artificial intelligence are considered reasonable for threat detection, improving road safety through accident-avoidance technologies, developing safe infrastructure solutions, and implementing vehicle-to-everything (V2X) interaction systems that allow information exchange for safe driving and danger prevention. The article also discusses aspects such as multimodality, satellite navigation, intelligent transport systems, and the use of information technologies. Therefore, the article provides recommendations for addressing innovative challenges in the transportation industry, taking into account the specific features and challenges faced by transportation enterprises in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Kukushka, I. (2024). THE IMPERATIVE SENTENCES FOR INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(48), 360-367.