The environment of functioning of modern enterprises is changing rapidly, due to the dynamism of the existing factors of this environment and complete unpredictability and sometimes unreality of the new ones, at first glance. Accordingly, the requirements for the conditions and peculiarities of taking these factors into account in the process of choosing the direction of strategic development of an enterprise are also growing. Since it is difficult to plan the change and level of influence of existing factors on the activities of enterprises in the future (due to the emergence of unrealistic factors, such as a global virus pandemic, war, etc.), it is worth avoiding them at least partially by formulating strategic alternatives to the functioning of the enterprise within certain development scenarios. Accordingly, the publication is aimed at forming a method for selecting strategic alternatives to ensure the effective long-term competitive development of enterprise, depending on the group of influence of key factors of the environment of enterprise functioning within different scenarios of its development. The formation of appropriate alternatives requires, first of all, a universal clarification of the groups of factors that affect the enterprise's activities. Hence, with consideration of the existing approaches to identification and assessment of the factors of the environment of functioning of enterprises in the process of formation of strategy and conditions of development of modern enterprises, it is proposed to divide them into three groups: unpredictable with a risk level of 0-0.3, complicated unpredictable with a risk level of 0.3-0.7, and crucial unpredictable with a risk level of 0.7-1. The article offers a method of selection of strategic alternatives of development of an enterprise with consideration of the allocated groups of factors. The presented approach provides the process of formation of the enterprise strategy not only with information on the status of factors of the environment of its functioning, but also allows to choose possible directions of its strategic behaviour according to a specific group of factors within a certain scenario of development. It is substantiated that this method will allow choosing a more effective long-term direction of development of enterprises through the formation of various scenarios of its strategic activity due to the possibility of taking into account the levels of risk inherent in a particular group of factors.
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