Keywords: welfare state, warstate, Ukrainian model of the welfare state, the Russian-Ukrainian war, military strength, social protection, social security, reanimation package of reforms, rebuilding of Ukraine


The article examines the synergistic effect of strengthening the state's defense capability, its military power and improving the effectiveness of social policy and the level of social security of the country's citizens. The use of multi-criteria analysis of such integral indices as the Security Threat Index, the Refugee and Displaced Persons Index, the Comprehensive National Power Index, as well as the use of formulas for calculating the power of the State, allowed to trace the impact of the war on the social component, the development of social security, the process of institutionalization of social protection systems, and the creation of ministries of national welfare in order to overcome the socio-economic consequences of the war. The author identifies the Ukrainian model of state functioning in wartime as a symbiosis, a combination of effective social protection policy and strengthening the country's military power through systematic support of the army: "strong home front - strong army". War significantly transforms the policy of social protection and social security of the country, causing the need for state intervention to support citizens during and after military conflicts. In such circumstances, governments are forced to intervene in socio-economic relations to ensure the survival and well-being of their citizens. Such intervention takes the form of social welfare in the form of benefits and subsidies, free education and healthcare for the poor, as there is a high probability of losing their jobs, homes or even lives. The author has previously pointed out that the global socio-economic system is trying to adapt to the turbulent environment of the BANI and TUNA worlds, where there are new types of risks that are difficult to control and their consequences are impossible to predict. Russia's large-scale war against sovereign Ukraine, as a litmus test, has revealed the instability of the world order and convincingly proves the need to develop a Ukrainian model of a "welfare state in war" with an emphasis on strengthening the military component. To achieve the main goals of Ukraine's modern national security policy - ensuring the security of individuals, society and the state, preserving its independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty and further progressive development - political consolidation of citizens around common values and interests, preservation of civil peace, overcoming existing political contradictions and achieving a socially acceptable standard of living are of particular importance. This is possible if the balance of interests of all objects of national security protection is maintained.


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How to Cite
Chaliuk, Y. (2024). «WARSTATE» AND «WELFARE STATE»: CONFLICT OR SYNERGY OF MILITARY STRATEGY AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(48), 309-320. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-48-43