Keywords: risk, supply chain, business continuity management, critical processes, supply, ISO, management decision


Existence of enterprises in times of constant increase in the speed of changes of the external and internal environment requires increased attention to ensuring the continuity of the companies' business, their compliance with their obligations to internal and external customers. Business continuity is becoming a strategic necessity for companies which plan to exist in the medium and long term, to be transparent and reliable for their own employees and for contractors and customers. The article is devoted to topical issues of business continuity management, analysis of the level of implementation of BCM in Ukrainian enterprises and the dissemination of information and motivation of management personnel for the distribution of BCM. The benefits of enterprises and opportunities that become relevant for companies that have implemented business continuity management in their own activities are outlined. The problem of risks of global supply chains, the consequences of disruptions in supply due to the occurrence of risks, their nature and impact on the activities of companies is highlighted. Clustered research on the expectations of businesses located in different countries regarding threats to future growth, the increasing importance of the stability of global supply chains, and the measures that enterprises are taking to reduce the impact of such risks. The fact of the increase in the level of influence of the risk of supply chains on business expectations for the period 2022-2023 has been demonstrated. Information about the existing quality standard in the field of business continuity management, the possibilities of integrating the business continuity management procedure into the general management system of the company is presented. The article demonstrates the main components of the procedures that are created to respond to the occurrence of risk. The material reveals the main stages of implementing business continuity management, the management decision-making algorithm for the introduction of BCM and the basic team necessary for the start of the BCM implementation project at the enterprise, the level of influence of the team members in the day-to-day activities of the enterprise, the roles and the degree of involvement of such team members in the process.


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How to Cite
Barskyi, M. (2024). BUSINESS CONTINUITY IN THE CONTEXT OF SUPPLY CHAIN. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(48), 302-308.