The article examines the theoretical-methodological and practical principles of crisis management of the enterprise.The importance of effective anti-crisis management under modern conditions is emphasized. The author's concept of anti-crisis management is given it is a system of measures aimed at preventing, overcoming or mitigating the negative consequences of economic, financial, social or other crisis situations. Factors affecting the enterprise are studied. The main methods of assessing the situation that can be developed at the enterprise are considered. The development and implementation of an effective crisis management action plan for any enterprise is also analyzed, namely, situation analysis, creation of a crisis management team, internal process audit, development of an action plan, financial planning, communication, testing and updating, psychological support of personnel. Step-by-step preparation for anticipatory response to crisis phenomena has been developed. The essence of the concept of an anti-crisis manager is revealed and what is included in the services of an anti-crisis manager is defined. Factors that cause crisis phenomena at industrial enterprises are systematized in terms of internal and external influence. The main components of the anti-crisis management system are summarized: functions, principles. It was determined that according to the presence of signs of crisis, the anti-crisis management of the enterprise is divided into active and passive; depending on the specifics of the development and state of the enterprise, anti-crisis management is divided into preventive, crisis and post-crisis management. The study presents the author’s view of the mechanism of crisis management, it defined its essence and components, described the sequence of phases of crisis management in the enterprise. Four main steps in preparation for anticipatory response to crisis phenomena are considered. Preconditions of use of modern methods of evaluating of the financial condition and diagnosis of bankruptcy enterprise are considered. Considered and the features of the definition and management of financial stability of commercial enterprises.
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