Keywords: marketing tools, competitiveness, agricultural enterprises, marketing complex, marketing mix


In conditions of instability and variability of the external environment, and especially in conditions of martial law, marketing becomes a key aspect for achieving competitive advantages of business entities. The application of marketing tools in the activities of enterprises is the basis of the marketing system, and the management of the marketing complex is the main task of achieving its competitiveness. Studies have shown that the interpretation of the "marketing mix" ("marketing mix") is determined by a set of strategic tools and actions used by enterprises to achieve their marketing goals. The chronological sequence of the development of the marketing complex in the scientific works of foreign scientists is determined. The constituent elements of the classical marketing model "4P" are characterized. The basis for the emergence of new concepts in the evolution of the marketing complex is defined and characterized. Modern concepts of the marketing complex are analyzed. It has been established that all new marketing tools are either modifications of the classic "4P" or characteristics of the environment in which these tools are used. New concepts of the marketing mix are described, such as "4C", "4A", the SIVA model, "4D", "4E", as well as the concept of "2P + 2C + 3S", which are not intended to completely replace the concept of "4P", however, complement and expand the approach to marketing management. The marketing component in the system of ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises plays an important role and involves the use of a system of appropriate tools aimed at forming an optimal model of agricultural enterprise behavior in the market through the optimization of four main policies: product, price, sales and communication. By optimizing these four policies, agricultural enterprises can enhance their competitiveness in the market. Additionally, a strategic and well-coordinated approach to marketing ensures that the enterprise can adapt to market changes, consumer preferences, and external factors, thus maintaining a strong position in the agricultural sector.


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