Purpose. The aim of the article is to develop the theoretical and applied bases of quality management of hotel services and determine the directions of its improvement (on the example of “Hotel Sea” 4 *, located in Odesa). Methodology of research. The following methods are used in the study: SWOT-analysis (to identify strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities and threats of a projected hotel); comparative analysis (to assess the competitiveness of hotels); abstract and logical (to form conclusions about the expediency of functioning of the projected spa-hotel). Findings. A number of engineering, technological, architectural and construction solutions are proposed when opening a spa-hotel in Odesa, and the basic principles that are taken into account when constructing hotel buildings are outlined. The competitive environment is analysed and the competitiveness of the projected hotel is evaluated. The strengths and weaknesses of “Hotel Sea” 4 * are identified, as well as the external opportunities and threats of its activities. The main stages of the competitive management process of the hotel “Hotel Sea” 4 * based on management functions are substantiated. Suggestions to increase the competitiveness of the spa-hotel “Hotel Sea” 4 * have been formed. The economic performance of the hotel is forecasted and recommendations to improve them are made in the article. Originality. Recommendations to increase the level of competitiveness of the projected spa-hotel “Hotel Sea” 4 *, which will increase the net profit of the hotel “Sea Hotel” 4 * by 2030 have been developed. Practical value. The results of the study can be used in the tourism industry, which directly influences the formation of hotel business infrastructure; this will facilitate the proper allocation of available resources of hotel enterprises for maximum profit.
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