The article analyzes social management, which is carried out through purposeful, organized and regulated influence on the collective activity of people, with the aim of effectively achieving general results. The social approach of social management is more focused on the organizational culture and motivation of employees, namely job satisfaction, which depends on general attitudes towards activities. Managerial influences in the social environment depend on the human factor and collective relations. Labor factors that affect job satisfaction as a result of an individual's work experience are becoming important. Therefore, the sources for all employees are interest in work, the degree of physical activity, working conditions, remuneration in the organization and the characters of colleagues. Peculiarities of a person's attitude reflecting beliefs and behavioral tendencies aimed at certain people or a team are also considered, and approaches to improving interaction in a social and labor team are proposed. The features of the individual's behavior intentions due to the attitude towards the environment, according to the behaviorist model of intentions, are determined. However, there is a set of relevant attitudes to work that may relate to different aspects of work, and an employee may be satisfied only with certain aspects of work performance. The importance of the employee's attitude to work due to loyalty to the organization is substantiated. Sources of commitment to the organization may differ for each specific person. Loyalty to the organization tends to grow under the condition of effective social management: development of ties with the organization and colleagues, positive attitude to work; opportunities on the labor market decrease with age, which leads to dependence on this job. Also characterized are the types of management ethics that have an impact on job satisfaction and shape the personal differences of employees or groups in the social and labor environment. The terms of managers' ethics are indicated: immoral, moral and immoral. Managers and employees must promote the establishment of ethical beliefs and behaviors in order to analyze problems in the workplace. At the same time, it is important to take into account the ethical attitude of employees, conducting interviews involving employees with a positive attitude to work, the ethics of evaluating the work performance process, and measures to influence organizational culture.
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