The article explores the current state of Ukraine's agrifood product exports to identify proposals for shaping strategic export priorities in conditions of martial law. Theoretical insights into the concept of exports and its significance for the economy in today's realities are provided. Statistical indicators of Ukraine are analyzed to identify trends and analyze the dynamics and structure of exports. The changes in exports after the full-scale aggression by the Russian Federation and measures taken to mitigate the destructive consequences are examined. The analysis of documents approved by the country's leadership, laying the foundations for strategic priorities in the post-war reconstruction of the industry, is conducted. It is emphasized that current strategic priorities for the development of Ukraine's agrifood product exports should be based on the fundamental principles of food security, including the development of Ukraine's food security sector, systemic and integrated approaches, gradualism, consideration of opinions and interests of various population groups and stakeholders in addressing food security issues, innovation implementation, sustainability, environmental protection, international cooperation, and strategic planning, social responsibility, and efficient resource utilization. Based on the study of global experience in organizing the agricultural market and managing its functioning, the main directions of state governance are identified, including the regulation of land use rules, balanced price control, and economic-legal incentives for investments. The article emphasizes that Ukraine needs to strategically adapt its mechanism of state regulation of the agricultural market to European standards, considering internal specifics and ensuring effective interaction between market self-regulation and state governance to support domestic demand and international competitiveness. In conclusion, despite the temporary preferential conditions granted exclusively to Ukraine, it is essential to consider that restoring the level of agrifood product exports to pre-2022 levels will require significantly more funds. Therefore, this economic sector will need substantial subsidies and support from the government and foreign investors.
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