• Dmitriy Kretov Odesa National Economic University
Keywords: bank, corporate client, digitalization, BlockChain, Internet of Things, digital technological platforms


In modern times, digital technologies are the main factor of world development. The rapid development of digital technologies has led to the emergence of completely new ones categories such as artificial intelligence, smart contracts, Big Data technology, BlockChain, Internet of Things, digital technology platforms, etc., which are used in various spheres of life. The development of digital technologies in the banking sector is of scientific interest, as it is most in demand, citizens and legal entities constantly use oans, keep money on deposits, use other bank services. The article examines the features of digitalization of the banking system of Ukraine. Starting with the introduction of the quarantine, which was caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the refusal of the bank to have a physical branch, personalization, and the use of catboats for transactions with the client has already become commonplace for the Ukrainian client. Digitization has brought significant benefits both for the banking system of Ukraine and for each bank and their corporate clients. This is especially felt in the last two years, when full-scale military actions on the territory of our country complicated the conditions of economic activity of a large number of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. It was determined that at the present time, when most banks offer almost the same conditions for lending, deposit and other traditional services, banks strive to use the latest technologies in their work in order to retain existing corporate clients and attract new ones. The digital revolution in the banking sector of Ukraine is a vivid example of how innovation can transform the industry, opening new horizons for the development and improvement of customer services. Today, Ukraine has all the opportunities to take a position among the leaders of digital transformation in the global banking sector. The article presents the latest trends in financial technologies, thanks to which banks can maintain a high level of competitiveness and provide businesses with new opportunities to manage their finances and receive personalized financial solutions.


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How to Cite
Kretov, D. (2024). ENHANCED BANKING SERVICES FOR CORPORATE CLIENTS BASED ON DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGIES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(48), 183-188. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-48-25