The scientific article defines the problems of the functioning of the construction industry in the conditions of war. The relevance of the research topic is determined, taking into account the significant amount of destruction of the infrastructure of many cities of Ukraine, the housing stock. The scientific works of domestic scientists regarding the state and prospects of development of the construction industry in Ukraine, taking into account the current conditions, were analyzed. It was determined that the public-private partnership should become an effective source of financing the construction industry. After analyzing the achievements of Ukraine's international partners regarding post-war reconstruction, it was found that further construction should be carried out on the basis of European experience in urban planning and architecture and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. An analysis of the main Laws of Ukraine on the regulation of the construction industry was carried out, in particular on compliance with European standards and safety regulations. It was found that there is a need to improve the current legislation at the expense of safety and environmental friendliness of urban planning and architecture. The analysis of the main statistical indicators of construction in Ukraine in 2022 showed that the rate of construction of engineering structures exceeds the rate of civil construction (residential and non-residential). At the same time, the area under construction of residential premises is five times greater than the area of non-residential buildings. According to the statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the volume of manufactured construction products has the following structure: 39% is new construction; 38.4% are capital repairs or current repairs and 22% are reconstructions. To improve the functioning of the construction industry, it was proposed to attract alternative sources for the reconstruction of the affected regions and cities of Ukraine not only at the expense of state funds (including large taxpayers), but also investors and international partners. The approach to the reconstruction of cities and regions of Ukraine should be regionally focused. That is, restoration projects should be localized by region and supported by individual international partners. The principles of the reconstruction of Ukraine must correspond to the key principles of the EU regarding the transition to the "Green" economy and Digital transformation.
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