The article defines the concept of "general security policy", defines its role and place in the management system of a modern enterprise. It was found that "economic security of the enterprise" and "general security policy" are related as a part and a whole. That is, the economic security of the enterprise is a component of a higher-order system, and its provision is a necessary prerequisite for the enterprise to achieve a general state of security. It was determined that the main components of the general security policy are the description of the secure environment and the list of the main enemies of the secure state. Each enterprise has the opportunity to determine these components independently. The article presents the results of the authors' research, which specify each of the named components. As part of the research, data on the content and structure of the security policy of modern enterprises were analyzed, systematized and summarized. It was found that the description of a safe environment, in turn, contains: prerequisites for achieving a state of safety, approaches to the decision-making process, approaches to the process of implementing decisions and relation to work results. According to the authors, the main prerequisites for achieving a state of security are formalized values and goals, the presence of a documentation system, competence and professionalism, and the presence of a reserve system. The main approaches to the decision-making process, which are the key to a safe state of the enterprise, are proactivity and innovation, focus and concentration, and a bet on soft skills. The basic principles of implementing decisions leading to a safe state are trust, partnership, communication, and support. A list of the main enemies of the state of security is also given, which include: tolerance for shortcomings, lack of vision of the desired safe picture, reactive thinking, victim state, unresolved conflicts, unclear relationships, lack of goals, skew in goals, disharmony in goals, unethicality and concealment of mistakes, inflated expectations, idealization and perfectionism, lack of schedule, orderliness and discipline, disorder: in the workplace, in documents, in the computer, in affairs. According to the results of the conducted research, the priority areas of further research are determined, the main of which is the development of effective mechanisms for identifying and neutralizing the negative effects of the main enemies of general security.
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