Keywords: passenger transportation services market, transportation dynamics, SWOT analysis, transportation volume, passenger turnover, logistics processes, management functions


The article defines the importance of the functioning of the transport passenger services market for the effective provision of the social and industrial complex of the country. The demand and supply of the passenger transport market is characterized and analyzed, external and internal factors affecting the market of passenger transport services are determined. The ratio of demand to supply of indicators of the passenger transport market, which is an indicator of equilibrium, proportionality and balance, was studied, and it was determined that the market is unbalanced. The problems of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the transport passenger services market in conditions of instability entirely depend on the correct assessment of its condition and quality management. The advantages, disadvantages and prospects of the passenger transportation market are determined using a SWOT analysis. It has been proven that in order to ensure the optimal satisfaction of the population's needs for high-quality, safe and comfortable transportation services, effective management of logistics processes is important. Logistics processes in a given market are a set of operations that manage passenger flows, as well as information, service and financial flows related to this. It was determined that the management of logistics processes in the market of transport passenger services is carried out through the main functions of management: planning, organization, control and motivation. The functions of transport management consist in ensuring the fulfillment of specific needs for the effective fulfillment of tasks at all stages of the transport process of transporting passengers.It was determined that the integration and interaction of management functions plays a decisive role in the formation of a sustainable effect, which is expressed in the maximum satisfaction of the population's demand for transportation. Management of logistics processes is aimed at balancing supply and demand in the passenger transportation market, improving the route network, efficient use of rolling stock, and optimal construction of the passenger transportation process, which will provide competitive advantages.


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How to Cite
Druzhynina, V., & Chernikhova, O. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF LOGISTICS PROCESSES IN THE PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION MARKET. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(48), 150-158.