The article delves into the transformative aspects of "cybersecurity management" within theoretical research realms, aiming to seamlessly integrate various methods, measures, and tools into the management practices of domestic enterprises and organizations. It emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity management in today's technologically advanced and risk-laden landscape, proposing the application of methodologies like OCTAVE or ISO 27005. The practical implications of the study are significant. At the operational level, cybersecurity management is not just about safeguarding information but also ensuring its integrity and availability. This involves a combination of sophisticated technical solutions and the cultivation of a well-informed and trained workforce. The strategic dimension of cybersecurity management underscores the establishment of a robust organizational culture. This culture should prioritize security within the cyber environment, underlining its critical role in the overall health and safety of an organization. The article highlights the scientific novelty of the topic in the context of a rapidly evolving technological environment where risks and uncertainties are increasingly challenging to manage. It posits the need for developing new risk management strategies, which are adaptable to emerging threats and opportunities, and identifying effective decision-making criteria to handle these risks. From a practical standpoint, the significance of the article lies in its advocacy for the implementation of effective cybersecurity management practices in organizations. It supports endeavors to fortify security in the digital world, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to cybersecurity management. This approach is vital given the multidimensional nature of cybersecurity, intertwining technical, human, and strategic elements. Furthermore, the article sheds light on the practical applications of cybersecurity management principles at the operational level, such as safeguarding the protection, integrity, and availability of information. It also illustrates how cybersecurity management evolves into a strategic cornerstone of organizational culture, addressing various security issues in the cyber environment. In summary, the article offers a thorough examination of cybersecurity management from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It proposes integrating specific methodologies into management practices, enhancing the operational and strategic facets of cybersecurity within organizations. The article underscores the necessity of developing new strategies and decision-making criteria in the face of ever-evolving technological risks and uncertainties, advocating for a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to managing cybersecurity. This comprehensive view is pivotal for fostering an organizational culture that prioritizes cybersecurity, ultimately contributing to the resilience and security of the digital infrastructure in modern enterprises and organizations.
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