Keywords: agricultural sector, state regulation, sustainable development, common agricultural policy, land relations, Ukraine


The article is devoted to topical issues of formation and implementation of state regulation of the agrarian sector of the economy. The basis of the construction of the state policy of the agricultural sector, proposed by the author, is the provision on the need to achieve the goals and objectives of sustainable development. The article analyzes the experience of the EU in the development and implementation of the common agricultural policy (CAP) from the point of view of the need for European integration and the possibility of implementing the CAP in Ukraine. The goals of the SSP, institutions and financing instruments, key participants, the system of monitoring and evaluation of the SSP's effectiveness should be a benchmark in the performance of this task. The final stage should be the development of the Strategic Plan of the SSP of the country. A methodology for building a strategy of sustainable agriculture has been developed, which is based on the content of the concept of sustainable development of agriculture - it is the management of agriculture that is able to satisfy the needs of current and future generations in its products and services, while ensuring a sufficient level of income for producers of products, healthy ecosystems and sustainable management of natural resources, social and economic justice in rural communities. The content of the concept forms relevant goals, determines the components and determinants of influence, which form principles and establish the necessary framework of action. Recommendations are provided for sustainable land and soil management at the national level, which focus on addressing the challenges of halting land degradation and soil nutrient depletion and creating a framework for sustainable land and soil management systems. Thus, directions for the formation and implementation of the state agrarian policy of Ukraine have been formed in the context of ensuring the tasks of sustainable development, which are based on three components: the construction of the agrarian policy of Ukraine on the principles and foundations shared with the EU; ensuring sustainability of agriculture; regulation of land relations from the point of view of ensuring a reduction in the level of their degradation and restoration of soils. The proposed directions contain a theoretical justification and practical recommendations regarding the possibilities and limitations of their introduction at the national level.


Kotyková O., Babych M. The evaluation of agricultural land use sustainability in the post-socialist camp countries: methodological and practical aspects, AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics. 2021. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. 59–78. DOI:

Мain agribusiness website. TOP-10 wheat producing countries in 2021/22 MR. URL:

Babych M., Kovalenko A. Food Security Indicators in Ukraine: Current State and Trends of Development. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2018. Vol 4. No 1. P. 8–15. DOI:

Kotykova O., Babych M., Nadvynychnyy S., Cherven I., Shevchuk S. Assessing the Level of Household Food Security Based on Their Income Level. Intellectual Economics. 2021. No. 15 (2), P. 175–204. DOI:

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