The study highlights the important aspects of anti-crisis financial management of the enterprise and its importance for the stability and competitiveness of enterprises. The peculiarities of anti-crisis financial management of the enterprise are considered. In today's conditions, forecasting the financial condition and developing anti-crisis management measures are critical tasks, especially for enterprises that may be affected by economic difficulties, political instability and other factors. Modern operating conditions require flexibility, adaptation to changes and strategic thinking from enterprises to overcome economic challenges and ensure stability in difficult conditions. Anti-crisis financial management is a preventive measure aimed at preventing bankruptcy and ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise in crisis conditions. The main goal of anti-crisis financial management is to recognize possible financial problems, risks and difficulties in advance, and then take effective measures to solve them. Minimizing the consequences of the financial crisis, improving solvency and preventing a decrease in liquidity are the main tasks that form the strategic framework for anti-crisis financial management, aimed at ensuring stability and avoiding serious financial problems in conditions of uncertainty and crisis situations. The necessity of carrying out anti-crisis financial management also at successfully functioning enterprises and enterprises that have a relatively prosperous financial condition has been proven. Successful enterprises must use elements of anti-crisis financial management for unbiased measures and building flexible strategies that can adapt to changes in the external environment. Taking into account anti-crisis strategies at successful enterprises allows them to actively manage risks and use opportunities for development. Anti-crisis financial management becomes a key component of strategic planning, helping enterprises reach new levels of stability and success in the face of economic instability. These factors emphasize the importance of integrating anti-crisis financial management into the overall strategy of the enterprise to ensure its endurance and competitiveness.
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