This article substantiates the management environment, which are the organizational structures of each company. Here, such a phenomenon as management at the enterprise is investigated, which is explained by the existence and functioning of structural units in it - as important components where operational processes take place and results are achieved from their reproduction. And management as a direction of scientific research is determined by the directions of activity and reproduction, which have recently been subject to structural changes in the organizational environment of the company. But it should be noted that mostly management as a component of management is studied by practitioners rather than scientists, because it is there that specific management is applied to objects in order to fulfill tasks and orders, which are translated into achievements due to the performed operations. And in the future, such achievements are subject to measurement according to the relevant standards, criteria, indicators, in order to reveal their effectiveness, payback, productivity, thriftiness, perfection. Also, management at the level of management processes has the importance of the cycle of resources depending on their purposeful use in order to achieve the maximum effect, while optimizing costs and contributions. Therefore, management at the company reflects management processes in such a way that during the implementation of operations, objects, goods are obtained, a complex of actions or processes are formed, which are translated into financial income as a subject for carrying out evaluation procedures. And in the modern period, management acquires even more widespread forms of management actions by diversifying them - in terms of objects, processes, results, which should include relationships with other counterparties, employees, the introduction and use of information and communication technologies through the installation of monitors for management communication with labor teams in real time. And this is where the latest trends in the development and improvement of management in the business environment are based.
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